Download and Read Computers in Your Future Online Book

Download and Read Computers in Your Future Online Book

ByMarilyn Wertheimer Meyer,Roberta L. Baber,Bryan Pfaffenberger

Computers in Your Future

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“The book you don’t read won’t help.” –Jim Rohn


For courses in Computer Concepts, Introduction to Computers, this introduction to computers is noted for its lucid explanations of computing concepts, practical applications of technology theory, and emphasis on the historical and societal impacts of technological innovations. It features integrated coverage of management information systems, networking, email, and the Internet.*NEW - New and updated coverage of key topics - e.g., intranets and extranets; Linux, DVD, and JINI; research using the Web; Web page creation; email; Windows 98 and Windows CE; integrated applications suites such as Office 97; special purpose software; multimedia/virtual reality; emerging technologies such as AI, robotics, neural nets, and intelligent agents; security; ethics; ergonomics and repetitive stress injuries; structured analysis and design tools; careers and certification; and MIS*NEW - Companion Web site*NEW - New/improved pedagogical tools - Look It Up annotated references and web site listings; Sidebars (85% new, 15% updated); Hot Links margin notes that encourage students to learn more about a topic by using Web resources*NEW - Think About It questions. Asks students to