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Download Silent Voices Online Book

ByBrenda Ayres

Silent Voices

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“Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren’t very new after all.” -Abraham Lincoln


Some of the greatest English novels were written during the Victorian era, and many are still widely read and taught today. But many others written during that period have been neglected by scholars and modern readers alike. With the increasing interest in revising Victorian history and gender scholarship, especially through the rediscovery of lost texts written by women, this book is a timely and much needed study. The expert contributors discuss novels by such Victorian women writers as Grace Aguilar, Catherine Crowe, Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna, Annie E. Holdsworth, Ella Hepworth Dixon, Flora Annie Steel, Anne Thackeray, Sarah Grand, Marie Corelli, and others. These novels reveal perspectives of 19th-century British culture not present in canonized works and therefore revise our understanding of Victorian life and attitudes.