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ByMatt Kimmich

Offspring Fictions

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“I cannot remember the books I’ve read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson


Offspring Fictions: Salman Rushdie¿s Family Novels is the first book-length study that examines families and especially the parent-child relationship in Rushdie¿s core works. It argues that Sigmund Freud¿s concept of the family and the author¿s variations thereon are central to a full understanding of the four novels Midnight¿s Children, Shame, the controversial The Satanic Verses and The Moor¿s Last Sigh, a quasi-sequel to Rushdie¿s first success. Through close readings that make use of a variety of critical approaches, Offspring Fictions provides a sustained examination of how the parents and children that people Rushdie¿s fictions reflect the larger issues his work is concerned with: nationalism, religion, history and authorship. Aimed primarily at academics and students, but also of interest to the general reader, Offspring Fictions provides a clear and insightful analysis of Rushdie¿s family tetralogy. Contents Acknowledgements Rushdie¿s Tetralogy Introduction Chapter 1: Reading the Novels Midnight¿s Children Chapter 2: The Child Is Father of the Man: Creating Progeny in Midnight¿s Children Chapter 3: Days Full of Potential Mothers and Possible Fathers: Saleem Sinai¿s Multiple Family Romances Chapter 4: ¿The Mother-Goddess In Her Most Terrible Aspect¿: The Murder of Childhood and Dialogue Shame Chapter 5: Sins of the Parents: Monstrous Mothers and Absent Fathers Chapter 6: ¿Discrete Parameters of a Family Squabble¿: Family Antagonisms The Satanic Verses Chapter 7: Absent Fathers and Fallen Sons: The Satanic Verses Chapter 8: ¿Pleasechu Meechu, Hopeyu Guessma Nayym¿: Giving a Voice to Satanic Doubt The Moor¿s Last Sigh Chapter 9: Uprooting the Family Tree: The Moor¿s Last Sigh Chapter 10: Conflicting Parents, Contesting Authors: Who Writes the Moor? Chapter 11: From Ganesh to Dumbo: The First and the Last of the Family Novels Select Bibliography Index